Saturday, January 23, 2010

Uninspired hearts, trotting canopies and magical photographers

OKAY I tired… really I did but that holiday; you know the one with all the hearts and cherubs and sappy sonnets? Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for love and am happy to report that I am still very much in love with my partner; and I’m not afraid to express it.  So I tried to embrace it so please forgive me for my lack of inspiration for my Valentines candles this year. As always I will make the heart palm wax candles which are very impressive in their size. The double heart in lavender blue scented with French Lavender and the hulking 4 pound pink heart in wild cherry fragrance. 

Last Friday I met with Farmers Market Manager Keith Farley whom also happens to be a very talented photographer. We met at his studio to take some valentines photos and lucky for me he was able to turn my lack on inspiration into a collection of excellent shots! One of my favorite candles this time of year is No. 32 Enchantment. An exotic combination of Casablanca Lily and Amber that's so warm, it wraps around you like a soft cashmere blanket. It’s the perfect way to bewitch someone ;-)

Last Sunday (17th) at market was a rather unfortunate day; yes it’s not always fluffy clouds and rainbows. The morning started out great, the rain had stopped and I got to see my good friend Gena. It was completely dead so I greatly enjoyed the distraction that my friend provided as I hadn’t had a single interested party stop by my booth.  A little after 10:30; my friend had departed and the rain started to fall with freakish and random straight winds causing the market canopies to trot around on the street like nervous wild horses.

Unfortunately for me my wild horse (market canopy) got away from me and toppled over. In the process of blowing over it took out one of my large tables sending candles, 40lb tubs and broken glass flying everywhere. It was absolutely awful and the strength of that wind was so incredible had I been holding on with both hands it would have looked like a scene from Mary Poppins. The good news was that my canopy toppled over into a vacant spot and no one’s person or property was injured.  Further evidence that one’s complacency can lead to catastrophe; a much needed wakeup call.

Posted via web from whitehallcandleco's posterous

Monday, January 11, 2010

Three slaps and 28 dresses

Yeah, so the totes of Christmas decorations are still stacked up waiting to be shoved into the attic but today was the first time in a while I felt I could relax. After a so/so market I slid into an incredibly hot, yet satisfying bath and read for an hour. After I was properly pruned up, I relocated to the loft where I promptly passed out for an hour, okay two… ah yes, so three hours later I finally rolled off the couch where I dismally failed to do anything productive.

With the day being spent, I consigned myself to bed and put on the first thing that I found “on demand” which turned out to be 27 Dresses (If you’ve seen the movie, it’s really about 28 dresses). It’s a charming romantic comedy about a girl who is hopelessly in love with a guy, who naturally hasn’t a clue, with a few good slaps thrown in here and there. While I’m not a violent person nor do I condone it, there is just something so amusing about witnessing full frontal smacking! This made me laugh out loud and yes that’s laugh out loud not “LOL”, why reduce something as perfect as a laugh to a clinical acronym.

It felt good to be back at market: see all the loyal supporters out buying their fruit & veg, and to see my fellow vendors & friends. My set-up for Market today was the typical minimal January single table with just the most popular fragrances offered. Simple and easy to break down and pack up at the end of the day.  I had a few new additions that made their debut, but it was difficult to gauge the response to them since it was such a slow day, but there’s always the promise of next week.

Posted via web from whitehallcandleco's posterous

Thursday, January 7, 2010